- Login ke WHM
- Cari dan klik menu Feature Manager
- Tambahkan Feature di Add a New Feature List. Biasanya fitur dibawah ini tidak diaktifkan.
- Advanced Guestbook
- Agora Shopping Cart
- Analog Stats, hanya menggunakan Awstats saja
- CPU and Concurrent Connection Usage, sebaiknya disembunyikan
- Chat Rooms — Legacy feature for cPanel x and x2 themes
- Choose Log Programs, hanya menggunakan Awstats saja
- Entropy Banner
- Entropy Search
- Frontpage, frontpage sudah end of life
- Instant Installs
- Interchange Shopping Cart — Legacy feature for cPanel x and x2 themes
- Logaholic Web Analytics, hanya menggunakan Awstats saja
- PHPBB2 — Legacy feature for cPanel x and x2 themes
- Password Change, ganti password sebaiknya dikelola di client area saja
- SSH Connection Window
- SSL Host Installer
- SSL Manager
- Search Engine Submit Tool — Legacy feature for cPanel x and x2 themes
- Simple DNS Zone Editor, gunakan advance dns editor
- Simple Guestbook
- Support System Submission — Legacy feature for cPanel x and x2 themes
- Webalizer Stats, hanya menggunakan Awstats saja
- Klik Save
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